How to Solve the Common Problems in Sublimation Transfer Process
1, Under the flat heat transfer machine under the cushion material (cotton, sponge, cardboard, etc.) in the transfer process to absorb sublimation ink moisture will lead to excessive moisture generated during transfer, resulting in the color of the pattern on the transfer cloth fades Or the occurrence of local aerosol or water-like interference, so the pre-transfer and transfer process a few times under the hot press, the cotton pad on the evaporation of moisture can improve the situation, if conditions should be promptly replaced Dry padding material.
2, Print a good pattern and the fabric to be transferred as far as possible not to damp, otherwise in the transfer, especially the roller press is easy to make the paper soft wrinkle, transfer on the cloth will appear stripes. And the transfer rate will become low, the pattern color is not bright, serious pattern contour edges will open. Dry transfer and moisture transfer of the color contrast on the cloth will be color, the more severe the more serious damp situation.
Due to the above factors printed paper (to be transferred) and fabric should be placed in a dry room, the humidity should be controlled below 60%.
3, Transfer paper in the plate press transfer, sometimes ghosting, the reason is: transfer paper in the heat transfer is relatively smooth, heated in the press will not immediately bend, paper and cloth can be leveled . In the thermal transfer when the hot plate in the lift moment, the paper will be adsorbed with the fabric in the upper platen, and then fall down. Then the high temperature of the transfer paper to the fabric will fall on the shift secondary transfer, the formation of the color is very light ghosting.
In order not to produce ghosting, you can take the following solutions:
① Reduce the rate of increase. We can adjust the cylinder (or hydraulic cylinder) speed regulating valve (throttle or throttle) on the plate heat transfer press to lower the valve lifted up by the control plate to make the lifting speed of the press plate slow down, So that when the plate lifted the paper and cloth is not easy to be sucked up together, so to avoid falling off the secondary transfer to produce ghosting problems.
② Four corners dip in water. If the transfer paper than the fabric is small, you can transfer paper without printing patterns 4 corner painted a little water (a small point, ≤ 0.5 square centimeters) and then covered in the fabric transfer, dipping in the transfer of water and fabric Adhesion, after the transfer will not be with the fabric dislocation secondary transfer of the ghost. After the transfer if the point of water on the fabric there is coke yellow, you can use water to erase.
③ Cover method. If the transfer paper than the fabric, you can cover the surface of the fabric, then the paper and fabric are generally not hot-pressed flat sucked, because the physical reason is sucking the fabric electrostatic, when the paper cover fabric after the cut off the fabric On the electrostatic effect, it will not suck up and down the second transfer of the.
④ With a dedicated sticky transfer paper. To avoid ghosting the best way is to use a dedicated adhesive transfer paper, sticky transfer paper in the transfer and paste the fabric together, so no matter how the paper and fabric suck up and fall, paper and fabric is always posted Together, to eliminate the possibility of a shift ghosting, the use of viscous paper can greatly improve the ease of operation and mass production of the pass rate.
Products: Fast dry sublimation paper, tacky/sticky sublimation paper, inkjet photo paper, sublimation ink, etc.
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